"I was in disbelief”

For me reducing or eliminating the use of chemicals is significant. With eWater I saw how easy was to use, still I was in disbelief that it could do everything it said
— Frankie Cox ~ Green On

At a glance

Frankie Cox (Green On)


Food and Beverage

eWS Standalone Systems

General Cleaning & Sanitising

With 5 hectic years in New York, Frankie Cox established an enviable reputation as a gun chef, one to watch. She returned to Australia with a great idea and clear vision of the future.

After serious delays around Covid, she has now opened the first Green-On salad bar in the buzzy Melbourne suburb of Cremorne.

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Frankie is focused and committed. She is building the Green On business with longevity and sustainability in mind. 

Sustainability isn’t just about the environment,” she says, “It’s about healthy lifestyles, sustaining ourselves and promoting these values within our industry. It’s economic, personal and environmental. For me reducing or eliminating the use of chemicals is significant. With eWater I saw how easy was to use, still I was in disbelief that it could do everything it said.

Asking around she found many in her community were already eWater converts.

People like Neil Perry, Jo Barrett, Matt Stone, Shaun Presland, Jason Staudt, Hugh Allen, Doug Innes Will, Cumulus Inc, Reine, Aru, Citta, Lincoln Hotel, Vue De Monde, Hunted and Gathered chocolate, Stokehouse, and even Masterchef have all embraced the eWater alternative. 

With her own eWater system installed at Green-On Frankie is having a "lived experience" and has become a true believer in eWater.


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