Providing better food for childcare

At a glance

Healthy Cooking Company


Food Production + Childcare

eWS ROX60 Reticulated System

Food Safety + Cleaning + Childcare Sanitising

The Healthy Cooking Co. in Queensland is on a mission to ensure our children are provided with healthy and nutritious meals every day. We catch up with their executive chef to find out how eWater has been integrated into this mission.

Originally established to develop healthy eating habits to children attending 23 childcare centres owned by Queensland Childcare Services (QCCS), they now prepare food for over 4000 children daily. They strongly believe that introducing nutritious meals at an early age will pave the road to a lifetime of healthy food choices.


The Problem

Providing the best for our children is a universal belief, however sadly in Australia, the statistics highlight that when it comes to food, we could be doing a lot better. Over the past 20 years, the percentage of children with obesity has doubled in Australia. Research indicates that a third of Australian children are now not eating a healthy nutritious meal each day and are eating too much saturated fat and sugar.

The team at the Healthy Cooking Co. are on a mission to change these facts. It is in their early years that children develop their tastes and attitudes about food and nutrition; hence, it is an essential time to educate and promote the importance of healthy eating.

As an organisation the Healthy Cooking Co. are taking a principled approach to business. In addition to placing nutrition and healthy food at the centre of their business, they support local producers and work hard to ensure they are operating sustainably.

Integrating eWater into their operations

Introducing eWater therefore was a no brainer for the team. With a belief that food should not come from a lab nor should it contain numbers, it was a natural extension to minimise the use of synthetic chemicals throughout their kitchen. A reticulated eWater Hygiene System was installed onsite and now acts as their primary cleaning and sanitising solution throughout their production kitchen.

"eWater has been integrated into our food safety plan. It means we don’t need to have chemicals in our kitchen and it is easy to use. Using eWater has helped the childcare centres reduce food borne illness and ensure healthy environments for our children.”

Executive Chef Shannon Griffin

eWater has been integrated into their food safety plan and is used for sanitising all produce being prepared on site. The act of doing this replaces harsh synthetic sanitising chemicals with a natural chemical alternative. Scientifically proven and accredited, it is the natural way to kill food borne bacteria such as listeria and Salmonella.

Using eWater at the Childcare Centres

Recognising eWater’s potential in the production kitchen, the Healthy Cooking Co. is now packaging both the cleaner and sanitiser to send to the childcare centres in addition to their food!

The benefits of doing were a no brainer with the childcare centres – the ability to remove harsh synthetic chemicals in a sensitive environment just makes sense. As a natural chemical solution, eWater is completely safe and sensitive to use. This enables childcare centres to be able to clean and sanitise regularly throughout the day without any risks.

Nutritious food + a natural sensitive hygiene solution has enabled Healthy Cooking Company and QCCS to reduce food borne illness and promote a healthier environment.

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