Biniris leading Green Cleaning at Sunshine Coast University
At a glance
Biniris Facilities
University of the Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
eWS Standalone System
Facilities Cleaning
We have done a lot of testing and it has never failed. It cleans everything – stainless steel, glass, floors, surfaces – even my house!
– Joy Dillion, Contract Manager at USC.
A focus on sustainable outcomes led the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) and their FM partner Biniris to make the move to eWater as they reduce the use of packaged chemicals across their campus.
Over the past 4 years the success of eWater has been profound for both the university and Biniris.
First commissioned in late 2016, eWater was integrated into USC’s active program of sustainability initiatives that aims to address both large-scale issues such as energy, waste, recycling and the campus environment. With a commitment to students, staff and the wider community in mind, the opportunity to reduce their reliance and use of synthetic packaged chemicals represented an initiative that ticked all boxes.
Operated by USC’s FM partner Biniris, the eWater Hygiene System produces environmentally friendly and safe hygiene solutions that are utilized by the team for the majority of cleaning and sanitising requirements across the campus.
Earlier in the year we caught up with site manager, Joy Dillion to hear her experiences and thoughts on the system. Watch our conversation below.
Joy Dillion, Biniris Contract Manager at the University of the Sunshine Coast
Joy was quick to point out to us as we started the conversation that she was a skeptic at first –
At first, I thought it was a load of rubbish, how can something like that work… but that was 4 years ago now.
But Joy has an underlying personal sense of responsibility that we should be using safer and more environmentally friendly solutions – the status quo of conventional harsh chemicals used heavily in the FM industry can’t continue unquestioned.
This belief is also the belief of Biniris, an Australian owned and operated company providing hygiene, cleaning and service solutions across the aged care, commercial, education, government, mining and healthcare industries. As an organisation they take pride in using every opportunity to minimise the impact their services have on the environment and the community.
Having a good sense of responsibility for the environment has also had other benefits
both Biniris and USC –
Joy shared with us that implementing eWater has enabled her to replace 7 different chemicals with eWater and that the system paid for itself in about 12 months. But for Joy, the greatest benefit aside from knowing that it is good for the environment, is that it is ultra-safe for her team as well as for students and staff.
Combined, these benefits deliver on a promise for both Biniris and USC – to deliver real and measurable outcomes for the health of the USC community and our environment.