We can change the future. Now.
“First came carbon, now it is time to measure the corporate chemical footprint. This is the obvious next step in sustainable business practice. Publishing the chemical footprint will close a gap in sustainability reporting, something really sought after by investors and it will help purchasers find the best suppliers”.
Sonja Haider
Senior Business and Investors Advisor
ChemSec is an NGO founded in Sweden in 2002 to advocate in favour of stricter regulatory controls on potentially hazardous chemicals and to work with businesses on reducing the production and use of hazardous substances in their products and supply chains.
In 2008 ChemSec published the first version of the SIN List, a campaign tool to accelerate implementation of legislation and to help businesses identify hazardous substances. The SIN (Substitute It Now) List is essentially a list of chemicals evaluated by ChemSec as meeting EU criteria for being Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) and is therefore likely to be legally restricted. There is evidence from meetings in the European Parliament that the SIN List, in particular the addition of EDCs in 2011, is influencing which substances are being prioritised for process.
One of ChemSec’s stated objectives is to “bridge the gap between decision-makers, industry, NGOs and scientists and offer expertise and guidance on chemical management policies in order to get progressive chemicals legislation.” We couldn’t agree more.
Recognisable companies working with ChemSec to ‘inspire concrete progress on toxic use reduction’ include Sony, Dell, Ikea, Adidas and H&M.
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