Ban the Bag: We Can Make the Change
Lets change the game
Australia currently uses 4 billon plastic bags per year. [1] At eWater Systems we find waste like this reckless and unnecessary, especially in light of reports that 30% of the world’s turtles and 90% of seabird species have now ingested plastic debris. [2]
Around the globe, countries and states such San Francisco, Rwanda, the UK and Bangladesh, South Australia, Tasmania, the ACT and the Northern Territory have either passed legislation banning or charging for plastic bags.
The Victorian Government has called an inquiry into plastic consumption and plastic pollution. There will be a seven-day period where public consultation will play a potentially pivotal role in positively altering policy.
This inquiry provides an opportunity for Victorians to make a difference. The Committee running the inquiry has said that if a ban on plastic bags is passed, “it will have a significant impact on the community and therefore the Committee considers it important that the community has input into the inquiry”. [3]
Long term sustainable change is absolutely feasible, but Victorians need to send a submission to show that we are progressive and want action on plastic pollution.
Please send through a submission here before the 21st October 2016.
** Current offer: If you sign up now and send us proof of doing so, we will send you a FREE eWater tote bag.
The comprehensive Bill can be read here