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A review to remember | Introduction of electrolysed water

Food safety has become and continues to be the number one public concern. Considerable progress to strengthen food safety systems has been achieved in many countries. However, unacceptable rates of food-borne illness still remain and new hazards continue to enter the food supply chain. Contaminations in food and agricultural products may occur in every stage of the food supply chain, from the field to the table, that is production, harvesting, processing, storage and distribution, calling for proper decontamination and insuring food safety at each of these stages using an effective antimicrobial agent.

Several commercial products are available for this purpose, however, most of the available products are seriously hindered by a number of work and environmental safety limitations calling for the development of a new product which is both safe for environment and workers. In this accord, the use of acidic electrolysed water (AEW) which is now gaining popularity in other countries has been introduced.”

Find out more by reading the full research paper below:

A review of microbiological safety of fruits and vegetables and the introduction of electrolyzed water
as an alternative to sodium hypochlorite solution, by Abdulsudi Issa-Zacharia, Yoshinori Kamitani, Happiness S. Muhimbula and Bernadette K. Ndabikunze.